dental surgery

Infected Wisdom Tooth: Understanding the Cause and Treatment Tips

An infected wisdom tooth can cause tremendous pain and discomfort, especially if left untreated. The pain can become intolerable and may affect our sleep and daily tasks. One of the most common reasons people get an infected wisdom tooth is its growth and development. The third molars usually become impacted, causing pain when they grow. Their position also makes them very difficult to reach and clean. This is the most common factor why impacted wisdom teeth gets infected. It’s not that you have poor hygiene, it’s only that the third molars are typically taken for granted because of where they are. The dentists from Bay Dental Studio in Potts Point can help you solve this problem safely.

Although not all people get impacted wisdom teeth, there are still many individuals who have them. And for these people, they are more likely to develop an infected wisdom tooth as they age. Third molars should never be a problem even if they are impacted. There is dental work than can provide the best treatment for impacted wisdom teeth. The removal of the wisdom tooth is the best solution, but of course, your dentist will provide the best treatment method depending on the severity of the case.


Impacted Wisdom Teeth Explained

Impacted wisdom teeth are third molars that grow at the backside of the mouth. They become impacted because of the overcrowding of teeth, or if the person has a smaller jaw. Instead of growing and developing upright, the third molars grow sideways, which causes pain when they break the gums’ surface. The back of the mouth is often difficult to reach and clean, and that’s the main reason people develop an infected wisdom tooth. Sometimes, only a portion of the wisdom tooth is exposed, leaving the rest of its parts vulnerable to cavities and bacterial infection. There are also instances where the wisdom tooth gets severely infected and develops excessive abscess build up. In scenarios like these, the pain can be intense and sometimes cause fever. Other signs and symptoms may include:

  • Redness and tenderness of gums
  • Swelling at the side of the face
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Bleeding with abscess

In case you experience any of the signs and symptoms stated above from your wisdom tooth, it would be best to visit your dentist as soon as possible. An infected wisdom tooth can cause serious health complications if left untreated. One of them is the spreading of the bacteria. Bacteria can fall to your esophagus and cause adverse health effects. What’s worse, is that it can reach your heart and trigger bigger problems to your overall well-being. On the other hand, it can also spread to your entire set of teeth, that may cause gum problems as well. Periodontal disease is one possible complication that could happen. The infection may cause damage to your gums that could lead to tooth loss. There are medical reports where a simple wisdom tooth infection developed into something complicated.


The Significance of Dental Appointments

Dental appointments play a big role in your overall oral health. The mere fact that dentists can provide the best treatment for all kinds of oral problems should be enough for you never to miss a visit. What your dentist can do for you should never be taken for granted at all costs. You can practice the right oral hygiene at home, but the professional diagnosis is always better. One vital factor to consider is early detection. With a regular dental checkup, your dentist can detect early signs of infection, not only in your wisdom tooth but also the other teeth.

The team of dental specialists from DDSS in Sydney CBD emphasize that prevention is always better than the actual treatment; that is why you should keep your dental appointments.


Infected Wisdom Tooth Removal

Dental extraction or wisdom tooth surgery is the best solution for an infected wisdom tooth. Because of its location, a simple removal is not sufficient. Surgery is the only option to get rid of the wisdom tooth. Here are the steps involved:

  • Physical examination of the entire mouth
  • X-rays are taken for a thorough look of the wisdom tooth
  • Anesthesia or sedation is administered
  • The removal of the wisdom tooth
  • Proper stitches
  • Medication

The procedure is relatively safe, and there’s technically nothing to worry about. It is normal to feel pain and discomfort after the anesthesia wears off, and prescription pain killers can alleviate the pain. The treatment usually includes antibiotics and advise about what and what not to eat. The wound should heal within a week. Make sure that you never miss the follow-up checkup.


Home Treatment for Wisdom Tooth Pain

Here are some tips that you can try to do at home if you’re experiencing pain from an infected wisdom tooth. It is always best to go to your dentist for treatment. However, these steps can help alleviate the pain, albeit temporarily, while you can go to your dentist yet.

  • Mix warm water and salt, then use as a mouth wash. Salt is a natural disinfectant, and it also removes debris that may be stuck on the wisdom tooth. It is also ideal for lessening abscess accumulation.
  • Garlic paste. Make a paste out of fresh garlic and put it directly to the infected wisdom tooth. It helps kill the bacteria and reduce the pain and swelling.
  • Peppermint Teabag: After cooling, put directly on the wisdom tooth to ease the pain.
  • Ice pack. Use an icepack as cold compress at least twenty-minutes twice a day. It numbs the painful sensation and reduces swelling at the side of your face.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers. OTC pain killers are highly effective against tooth pain related to infection. Ibuprofen or aspirin can get the job done. However, do not take antibiotics without your dentist’s knowledge. Antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria, and not to reduce the pain.


Final Word

If you have an infected wisdom tooth, do not be afraid to try the home remedies to alleviate the pain. It is important to reduce the painful sensation at least immediately. If you don’t have time to visit your dentist yet, then the home remedies are your best option. However, we highly suggest that you book an appointment at your trusted dental clinic as soon as possible. An infected wisdom tooth should never be left untreated to prevent further complications.

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